Thursday 29 August 2013


I am alot happier with this project compared to my first one, I spent more time thinking about the location of my shoots where as before I did all three in the studio, I also took more time in how I would like to do the hair and make-up. My favourite picture is the one before the party as I think the make up is more bold and I really liked the way I was able to get the hair in the front of the shot then you can see the make up through the mirror. I think I was also able to show the changes Daisy went through in my pictures from the start with her being angelic in white, to the more sexy look of when she is about to embark on a affair with Gatsby, and then Daisy towards the end of the book after her running over Myrtle and leaving Jay to take the blame for her actions. I have enjoyed this project and like creating a character on what you have read about their appearance.

Final Images

Hairstyles for Daisy

My first hairstyle I had her hair just curled and clipped underneath, she would be wearing a hat so the majority was curled in, but I had part of her fringe down with a small curl going back.

My second look I wanted something glamorous so by pincurling some bits of the hair into eachother I found a big diamond clip which looked perfect for the shoot that I was going for and also held the curls into place.

My final shoot I loved the look of the headscarf leaving the fringe tucked in at the front, I got a black and white polka dot scarf and pulled that tightly around my models head to hold the hair in place I also thought it went well with the fashion style from the 1920's.

Outfits for Daisy

For my first look I have chosen a white dress for the reasons how she is portrayed in the book as being innocent and angelic. I have also put her in a big white hat which I found in primark which I thought looked quite good for my shoot.

My second outfit was for when she was going to be going to the party so I wanted something sparkly and the bottom of the dress I quite like the bottom as I think it could give the flapper effect, I have also styled this dress with fur to go round her neck which I managed to take off one of my winter coats and thought it would be a good prop for the look I wanted.

For my final shoot I had her wearing just a plain beige dress high at the neck with a slight lace effect at the top, I styled this outfit with a polka dot head scarf and a pearl necklace.

Monday 26 August 2013

Interpretations of the Great Gatsby

The first interpretation of the Great Gatsby was made into a film in 1974 directed by Jack Clayton.

The most recent interpretation is Baz Luhrmann's which was released in May 2013.
I watched this film and enjoyed it alot more than I did from watching the first one I loved all the make up and costumes they used through out the film and especially in the partys.


This was my first moodboard I found pictures I thought looked 1920's inspired, I liked the bold red lips on the women and also the finger wave curls in their hair. The picture top right I liked because of the long white dress which I thought could work well using the character Daisy because at the beginning she comes across sweet and almost innocent and white being the best colour to describe this.

This is another moodboard I made using photoshop and not cut outs from a magazine, I liked these pictures as I felt they were a contemporary version of the 1920's fashion and even hairstyles. I love the fur and the gold dress together which has given me inspiration for one of my final looks.
