Monday 26 August 2013

Character Analysis - Daisy Buchanan

 When does my character live?  What does the environment look like?
Daisy in the town of West Egg on Long Islands north shore.

 What is the socioeconomic background of my character?
It was the evolution of jazz music, flappers and bootleggers.

 Who lives with my character and what are their relationships?
She lives with her husband Tom with their young daughter.

 What is the primary emotion my character has throughout this piece?
I think Daisy's primary emotion is probably lust.

What props does my character relate to within the play?
Daisy wearing a lot of white maybe symbolizing she is pure, along with diamonds and fur.

 How do those props develop my character?
These props could be showing off her wealth

 What emotion should the audience feel toward my character - sympathy, hate, friendly?
I think she is likeable at the beginning of the book as you start to feel quite sorry for her as knowing Tom is having an affair, but you soon realise she is very shallow and not worthy of Jay's love for her.

 In the middle of the book, how does my character grow and change?
She becomes less innocent and pure when she begins her affair with Gatsby

 At the end of the book, what will happen to my character?
After running over and killing Tom's mistress she manages to let Gatsby take the blame with no guilt, this makes her selfish.

Does my character have children?  How does (s)he feel about them?
She has a young daughter who is not really mentioned much but Daisy seems to treat her as she is an object rather than her child.

 Does my character have a hidden agenda or a deep secret?
She has the secret from Tom of her affair with Jay, and then at the end of the book she will now be carrying the secret of the truth being it was her that ran over Myrtle not Gatsby.

 Does my character have their wants achieved at the end of the play?
I don't think she has achieved her wants by the end of the play I think she has generally settled for Tom as she like the lifestyle he can offer her.

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