Thursday 29 August 2013


I am alot happier with this project compared to my first one, I spent more time thinking about the location of my shoots where as before I did all three in the studio, I also took more time in how I would like to do the hair and make-up. My favourite picture is the one before the party as I think the make up is more bold and I really liked the way I was able to get the hair in the front of the shot then you can see the make up through the mirror. I think I was also able to show the changes Daisy went through in my pictures from the start with her being angelic in white, to the more sexy look of when she is about to embark on a affair with Gatsby, and then Daisy towards the end of the book after her running over Myrtle and leaving Jay to take the blame for her actions. I have enjoyed this project and like creating a character on what you have read about their appearance.

Final Images

Hairstyles for Daisy

My first hairstyle I had her hair just curled and clipped underneath, she would be wearing a hat so the majority was curled in, but I had part of her fringe down with a small curl going back.

My second look I wanted something glamorous so by pincurling some bits of the hair into eachother I found a big diamond clip which looked perfect for the shoot that I was going for and also held the curls into place.

My final shoot I loved the look of the headscarf leaving the fringe tucked in at the front, I got a black and white polka dot scarf and pulled that tightly around my models head to hold the hair in place I also thought it went well with the fashion style from the 1920's.

Outfits for Daisy

For my first look I have chosen a white dress for the reasons how she is portrayed in the book as being innocent and angelic. I have also put her in a big white hat which I found in primark which I thought looked quite good for my shoot.

My second outfit was for when she was going to be going to the party so I wanted something sparkly and the bottom of the dress I quite like the bottom as I think it could give the flapper effect, I have also styled this dress with fur to go round her neck which I managed to take off one of my winter coats and thought it would be a good prop for the look I wanted.

For my final shoot I had her wearing just a plain beige dress high at the neck with a slight lace effect at the top, I styled this outfit with a polka dot head scarf and a pearl necklace.

Monday 26 August 2013

Interpretations of the Great Gatsby

The first interpretation of the Great Gatsby was made into a film in 1974 directed by Jack Clayton.

The most recent interpretation is Baz Luhrmann's which was released in May 2013.
I watched this film and enjoyed it alot more than I did from watching the first one I loved all the make up and costumes they used through out the film and especially in the partys.


This was my first moodboard I found pictures I thought looked 1920's inspired, I liked the bold red lips on the women and also the finger wave curls in their hair. The picture top right I liked because of the long white dress which I thought could work well using the character Daisy because at the beginning she comes across sweet and almost innocent and white being the best colour to describe this.

This is another moodboard I made using photoshop and not cut outs from a magazine, I liked these pictures as I felt they were a contemporary version of the 1920's fashion and even hairstyles. I love the fur and the gold dress together which has given me inspiration for one of my final looks.


Face Charts

This is my face template for my first look, I have chosen a light brown smokey eye with a small amount of liquid eye liner just to define her eyes more, I have used a light pink blush with light pink lips to match. I wanted this to be a natural look as its just a daytime make up. I also didn't want to be a over the top look as I wanted her to look as if she had a more innocent beauty from how she is first described at the beginning of the book.

My second look I went for the more glamorous flapper, this was going to be when Daisy went to Gatsby's party, so I went for dark eyes with a dark purple lipstick, I really like the purple lipstick I think it makes her look more sexy and also shows the less innocent side of Daisy as she is about to begin an affair.

My final make up look is going to be Daisy after she has run over Myrtle, I wanted minimal make-up and a very pale face and pale lips.

Character Analysis - Daisy Buchanan

 When does my character live?  What does the environment look like?
Daisy in the town of West Egg on Long Islands north shore.

 What is the socioeconomic background of my character?
It was the evolution of jazz music, flappers and bootleggers.

 Who lives with my character and what are their relationships?
She lives with her husband Tom with their young daughter.

 What is the primary emotion my character has throughout this piece?
I think Daisy's primary emotion is probably lust.

What props does my character relate to within the play?
Daisy wearing a lot of white maybe symbolizing she is pure, along with diamonds and fur.

 How do those props develop my character?
These props could be showing off her wealth

 What emotion should the audience feel toward my character - sympathy, hate, friendly?
I think she is likeable at the beginning of the book as you start to feel quite sorry for her as knowing Tom is having an affair, but you soon realise she is very shallow and not worthy of Jay's love for her.

 In the middle of the book, how does my character grow and change?
She becomes less innocent and pure when she begins her affair with Gatsby

 At the end of the book, what will happen to my character?
After running over and killing Tom's mistress she manages to let Gatsby take the blame with no guilt, this makes her selfish.

Does my character have children?  How does (s)he feel about them?
She has a young daughter who is not really mentioned much but Daisy seems to treat her as she is an object rather than her child.

 Does my character have a hidden agenda or a deep secret?
She has the secret from Tom of her affair with Jay, and then at the end of the book she will now be carrying the secret of the truth being it was her that ran over Myrtle not Gatsby.

 Does my character have their wants achieved at the end of the play?
I don't think she has achieved her wants by the end of the play I think she has generally settled for Tom as she like the lifestyle he can offer her.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

1920's Hair

In the 1920's finger waves and bob cuts were extremely popular. The hair cut would reach the bottom of the ear and the finger wave was developed to soften the harsh and blunt shape of the bob that was so popular in the flapper era. To do this women would pinch different sections of hair, then comb in different directions to create the wave, then setting with a lotion. The finger wave was made even more popular by Hollywood movie stars who adopted the style and made it even more fashionable.

The finger wave was first introduced during the Great War in 1921 following the lead of fashion designer Coco Chanel, from this and the influence of hollywood movie stars, women everywhere began to bob their hair and use the finger wave technique.

I like the the finger wave style because it makes the blunt bob alot more feminine and soft. It has recently made a come back and with the current heated appliances available, it has become a very quick and easy look to achieve - I believe the results are the same if not better.

The current celebrities that have been seen favouring this look along with the makeup fashion of this era but as always with a more modern twist are; Vanessa Hudgens and Kate Bosworth who chose the the more slicked look of the finger wave -

Vanessa Hudgens

Kate Bosworth

However, celebritities such as Blake Lively and Charlize Theron are seen with a less slick, messier take on the finger wave. Charlize Theron has a ruffled up do and Blake Lively has adapted the look for longer and thicker waves.

Charlize Theron

 Blake Lively

I personally prefer the more modern look that Blake Lively has used as I think it would suit the majority of people, also it would be the easiest style to emulate without too much difficulty and is adaptable for any occasion.


1920's Fashion

1920's is the decade which fashion entered the modern era. Women started to ditch the restricting fashions and stepped into more comfortable clothing. The most memorable trend of the 1920's would be the flapper look, the dress would flatten the bust line rather than accentuating it. Most skirts and dresses during this era were just below the knee or above the ankle. Wrap over coats were in style in winter with large buttons and belts. 1920's womens shoes focused on the strap design which were popular for when they would dance.


Flappers were the women in 1920's known for their short skirts, bobbed hair, excessive make-up, drinking and smoking. The outer clothing of flappers is still identifiable, the look was called "garconne", which was instigated by Coco Chanel. To look more boyish women would tightly flatten their chest down with strips of cloth. I love the long armed stocking they wear and also the fur around their necks gives the effect of glamour.

1920's Make-Up

In the 1920's heavy make-up became alot more popular and typically the norm for the flapper type fashion. This is mainly due to the explosion in the makeup industry where max factor became very well known and used widely. The most distinctive look that women developed was of a pale complexion with a pop of bold eyeliner and frequently a statement colour lipstick, a favoured colour was red as it showed daring and passion.
More recently the look of over tanned and natural makeup has been overtaken in the fashion industry and celebrity world by the original pale complexion and outrageous colours with a substantial amount of eyeliner. Celebrities that favour this look will usually team it with the flapper hair style, the finger wave which I have mentioned in other posts.

Interpreting Narrative - The Great Gatsby

For my project interpreting narrative I have chosen to study F.Scott Fitzgeralds novel The Great Gatsby.
After reading the book and also seeing both films I thought this would be a good choice as there is a range of fascinating characters which I could use to do my interpretation of.

The Great Gatsby is set in Long Island, New York just after World War 1. The story follows a man named Nick who is a writer and the cousin of Daisy Buchanan, Nick moves in next door to the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby who is widely renowned for his crazy parties at his mansion. Jay is in love with Daisy who is married to Tom, when Daisy and Jay begin an affair the dramatic story begins to unfold with disastrous consequences.